Geof-Crowl / which-complications-support-textprovider-tint-colo
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Wednesday, Nov. 14th 2018

Which Complications Support TextProvider Tint Color?

As I have been digging deeper into WatchKit and ClockKit for Air Lookout, I've had a hard time figuring out which watch complications support a tint color from CLKTextProvider.

I've made a small table below for reference.

Complication FamilyText Provider Tint Color?
Utilitarian SmallNo
Utilitarian Small FlatNo
Utilitarian LargeNo
CircularSmallNot Guaranteed1
Extra LargeNot Guaranteed1
Modular LargeNot Guaranteed1
Modular SmallNot Guaranteed1
Graphic BezelYes2
Graphic CircularYes
Graphic CornerYes
Graphic RectangularYes

1: Tint color is only supported if the watch face is configured to be multi-color by the user.

2: Tint color is not supported in the bezel text, but is supported within the gauge complication just as it is for Graphic Circular.

Updated on Saturday, Feb. 15th 2020